
Dotw RP: You Win

Deviation Actions

Tazihound's avatar

Literature Text

You Win

”Tilika.” Saurugol said as he made his way toward the light golden she-wolf. He had been keeping an eye out for her all morning. The times in Havir were getting perilous, with more and more packmates disappearing. All females. He feared for the members of Havir not as well trained in fighting as his Guardians. He knew that the best protection he could offer them was individual training.

And Tilika was far from an average wolf to him. She had immediately caught his attention with her silky golden fur, so unusually soft for this region, and her eyes the color of Ademache’s silver moon. But there were many attractive females in Havir. What made Tilika so uniquely beautiful to him was the wisdom in those stormy eyes. She had a timeless soul, a dignified and delicate carriage, and an elegant strength and self assurance that drew the Alpha toward her. She had offered him her priceless comfort after Zevahni’s death. She had seen him at his weakest after the loss of Ira, and saved him that day, even promising her support now and forever. Even if he had known her for less time than others in his pack, he felt as if they had known each other for a lifetime. She was his rock, and one of his closest advisors and friends. One he could always depend on.

And it was for these reasons that he needed her to be safe. He was careful not to let his affection show as he addressed her, however. He may think the world and more of Tilika, but it was his job as Alpha to be as fair and impartial as possible when it came to his duties. ”If you have no prior commitments for the rest of the day, I would like to work on your skills in combat. Havir is no longer safe, and if, Gods forbid, something were to cross your path, I need you to be ready.” the Alpha explained.

The afternoon sun painted the snow-capped mountains in a bright gleam. The land set ablaze was ordinarily so captivating for the gold-pelted wolf, but now it just felt somewhat empty. Tilika had finished her morning shift searching for their missing packmates and had retired to the den to think. She sprawled out and let the afternoon sun warm her fur. Her muscles ached from the search  and adrenaline still coursed steadily through her blood, filling her mind with anxious thoughts.

They had detected traces of a struggle, but any leads other than that had yet to be uncovered. The perpetrators had revealed no clues as to their identities, but Tilika had surmised that it was either a bear looking to feed it’s clan, or worse; one of their own. A wolf. The creature had taken care to cover it’s tracks. It was not merely an absent-minded beast searching for an easy meal, it was selecting specific targets. It was a careful and calculating stalker, one with enough skill and expertise to evade an entire search crew for weeks. Tilika drew a heavy breath and let it settle in her lungs a moment before releasing it. There would be no utility in inventing grisly theories in her head. The hunters had uncovered some evidence, surely it would lead to more answers. Only patience and good judgement could help them now, until the next clue revealed itself.

Approaching footfalls stole Tilika's attention and she rose steadily to her paws. Quickly she cloaked herself in an even, peaceful demeanor, concealing her concern. Her furrowed brows relaxed and she held her head gracefully atop her neck. Her anxieties were not often confided in those around her. Tilika preferred to offer the pack a steady reassurance. It was a technique she adopted in Indio, though it had served her well in Havir at such a difficult time. She waited until the approaching wolf fell into view before speaking, though she recognized his scent immediately.
Saurugol’s tense form fell into view and he spoke promptly. She could only sympathize with the weight he carried. It was an alpha’s burden, and a rueful one at that to know the pack he was entrusted to keep was threatened. Tilika could related to the position he was in, more than he knew. “Of course, Ade.” She responded swiftly and followed Saurugol through the den to large, open meadow, edged by tall pine trees. The field held a myriad of scents, new and old, the blood and sweat of the Havir’s finest warriors. It was a reminder of Havir’s rich history.

“Am I to take this invitation as an insult or a compliment? I’m not quite as fragile as I appear, AdeSaurugol.” Tilika rose her brows devious and offered Saurugol an amused grin. She was joking, of course. She’d felt his body language start to ease slightly and it reassured her. She knew they would not be able to take their minds off their missing pack-mates, but stressing about the situation would only bring feelings of severe despondency. She would do what she could to lighten his strain, and she too welcomed the distraction to steal her from her worries.

Saurugol padded into the meadow and then turned around to face Tilika so they could begin their training. He looked almost baffled as she questioned his motives, even if it was clear that she was not serious. Jokingly or not, if a packmate were to speak to him in such a way his response would most often be a stern and impatient reminder of who was in charge. After all, he was her Alpha. Her Ade. He was the voice for the Gods and he knew what was best for each of his packmates. But this time he didn’t really see it that way, not because she was teasing, but because Tilika did not feel like a wolf he should shepherd. In his mind she felt like his equal, including in her knowledge of what was and was not best. Perhaps even more his equal. It was a truly preposterous thought, considering that he was a God reincarnated and she a mere wandering soul seeking entrance into Paradise. But still. He found that he yearned for her to respect him, even if it was clear that she already did. He yearned for it in a way that made him understand perhaps what his packmates were feeling as they tried to prove themselves to him.

Perhaps what had startled Saurugol more than anything about her words was that they were actually exactly what he was thinking, a truth he had not acknowledged even to himself. He did think her fragile. In the way each wolf who had been captured was fragile. In the way that life itself was fragile. And her life, after losing so many others he trusted and depended on, was particularly precious to him. He wanted to protect it in every way he could. He felt a tinge of shame at his bias toward her. Every faithful wolf was equally precious in the eyes of the Gods. They did not play favorites, so how could he?

He luckily recovered quickly from his surprise and answered her in the formal way an Alpha would address their subordinate, forcing himself to ignore her playful demeanor. ”I have no doubt. And it is neither. Simply standard procedure for those in the pack who are not Guardians.” his voice was dismissive, and he wasted no time thereafter. ”Let us begin.” And then the golden Alpha leaped, quick as lightning, his paws outstretched as he aimed for her back leg.

Taking her by surprise, Tilika’s gray eyes widened as Saurugol clipped her leg, sending her tumbling back into the earth. She regained her footing with a surprised growl of exasperation, shooting her alpha an accusatory glare. He could have given her more warning before the attack! But she knew that he was right catch her off guard. There would be no fair warning if she were to fall victim. That fact vexed her more, as if it was something she should have seen coming when they first stepped foot on the field. She should not be so trusting, and she should never let her defenses down. An assault could happen anywhere at any time.

Instead of firing at Saurugol with her own attack, Tilika swiftly retreated, drawing a wide gap between herself and her opponent. She bought herself a little time before his next onslaught. She watched him slink toward her, taking stock of his advantages. He had the upper hand in every presumable way. He was stronger, faster, more adept and practiced in battle. She’d have no chance against him in a duel of brawn. But she knew that sometimes the best offense could be a good defense, and she was well-trained in concealing her intentions. If her timing was right, she might be able to out-maneuver him, and use his own strength against him. Tilika waited for Saurugol to begin his charge, then fell into her own sprint, racing toward him head-on. As he made to grab her, Tilika threw her center of gravity to the ground and pivoted her body to the side in an attempt to throw him off balance and hoping the diversion tactic would buy her more time.

Saurugol met her glare coldly, circling her as she recovered, prowling closer as he prepared to strike again. In real battles wolves did not give each other time to recover, so nor should he. But before he could strike she bolted away out of reach. Saurugol continued to press her, never allowing her a comfortable distance between them, always prepared to strike.

Tilika then stopped, waiting, and that was when Saurugol charged. He kept his body low and his weight balanced even during his attack, never letting momentum take complete control of his directions. Tilika would not face him head on. She would evade, as would be wise. It was unexpected for Tilika to charge right at him, however. Saurugol knew that he was larger and heavier, he would win in a head on collision. And he was very aware that Tilika must know this too. She would evade at the last moment, or else pull some other unexpected maneuver, that was a certainty. The Alpha was alert for any possibilities.

Saurugol’s mind raced as he was nearly upon her. This would be the moment she would act, giving him little to no time to react to her decision. Decisions which, to his satisfaction, she gave absolutely no indication of. He would need to rely on his reflexes to evade whatever Tilika had planned. As he had predicted, her maneuver came, and Tilika dropped downward, thrusting herself broadside in hopes to trip him. Her low, steady stance would make her very difficult to bowl over even if he were to carry through with his onslaught as planned, so his back paws pushed into the ground, and in an agile leap he was barely able to clear her body, sending dirt and snow spraying into the air as he landed on her other side and fought to turn himself. His claws dug into the ground as he reversed his direction without a moment’s pause and came down on where she crouched with the intent of tackling her.

An irritated snarl reverberated from her throat as Saurugol failed to fall prey to her ploy. He quickly targeted her again, this time leaving her with no time to right herself. His rebound was abrupt and aim was precise as he pivoted back over to her. She was already down, it would not take much effort to land a fatal blow had they been two wolves locked in a true battle. Without any time to think, Tilika rolled into her back and kicked her hind legs up into Saurugol’s thick chest as his body came crashing down on her. He was sent backwards by the force but it gave her only enough leeway to scramble up to her paws and dart out of his grasp.

She’d observed the technique to Saurugol’s victorious advances; he aimed low and kept his center of gravity close enough to the earth so he never lost control of his weight. He could not be foiled by a ground attack, but perhaps an aerial strike would thwart him. Digging her hind claws into the earth to gain traction, Tilika sprang forward and used the momentum to guide her up and onto Saurugol’s broad back. She wrapped her arms around his torso and attempted to sink her jaws into the thick fur between his shoulder blades. She kept her grip taut enough so he’d know she meant business.

Tilika rolled over, using her powerful back legs to kick Saurugol away as he pounced and as quick as that the Alpha was forced back onto his haunches, the breath pressed out of him by the force. It was an agile and well placed move that left him breathless, and it served Tilika well in her goal of getting away. And then they were both on their paws again, circling each other. Tilika went on the offensive this time, and in a soaring leap she landed right on the male’s back. Her force as she landed made Saurugol stumble, nearly falling into the dirt there and then. But he was able to resist an unexpected collapse. But he had to act quickly. Saurugol felt her strong, light frame pressed against him as she held tight with her forepaws, his sharp teeth digging into his thick golden scruff. In a real fight he would be in trouble. But the Alpha had been trained in this, as with most defensive techniques, so he ran through his options and in less than a heartbeat he was reacting.

In a fluid motion, and using her weight to assist, Saurugol flung himself downward, rolling into his back to crush her beneath him. It was a risky move if there were many others around, but if one is on your back then there are few choices. With her dislodged and no longer able to keep hold as his weight bore down on her, he continued his roll off her and onto his belly at the same moment he twisted around with his jaws, taking tight hold of her pale golden fur. When he finished his roll his front paws and chest had pivoted and pinned her firmly in place as he lay with her nape in his fangs.

”You are quite good.” he told her, releasing her fur as he spoke but not moving otherwise. ”Your first maneuver was especially impressive. As you crouch to trip them, stay at the ready, and as soon as they are past you, give them no time to land before you attack again. Wound a leg that way, and the battle is yours.” Saurugol suggested.

Tilika lay still with her back firmly against the ground, her chest heaving from the intensity of their scrimmage. Saurugol’s steady paws held her firmly in place. He gazed down at her casually as he spoke, for this match was a conventional practice for him. She had just exerted all her energy,and she could not help but to feel flustered as she juxtaposed his calm demeanor with her rapid panting. Yet, Saurugol, in all his strength, was no average wolf, even for Havir. He was a God among mortals, a reality that was ever-present in the back of the she-wolf’s mind as she stared up at him. Still, she wanted his approval, she wanted to be able to prove she was dependable and capable. So, when he gave his validation, she was pleased and returned his evaluation with a smile.

“Thank you,” she managed between heavy breaths. She listened carefully, absorbing his words as he explained how she could better ward of her opponents by striking swiftly. She was grateful for the feedback and nodded her head responsively. She took note of the strategy and resolved to practice her defense between hunts.

But when her alpha was through with speaking he did not move to release her. Suddenly she became keenly aware of how close he was. They’d been near each other before, but this felt different, somehow more vulnerable in their isolation. She could feel the strength in his paws and the heat emanating from his pelt after their combat. She was close enough to see the variation of hues in his fur, each a unique shade of gold. She rose her eyes to meet his and studied the pale flecks of color she found there, like Adezevah’s soft morning light. If she rose her head slightly, their muzzles would meet. This was AdeSaurugol, her alpha, and friend… why did this feel so perilous?

“Saurugol,” she whispered but even she could not identify the implication of the way she spoke his name. Half of her felt cautionary, wishing he would release her so she could once again claim her space. The other half invited him closer, coveting the soft feeling of his breath on her fur. It was dangerous, this emotion that threatened to surpass her good sense. She forced herself to turn away from him, and prayed the confusion she felt would not be betrayed in her eyes.

Saurugol smiled in return as she thanked him, feeling the rise and fall of her chest as his white paws rested against her. He felt her delicate form beneath him, well sculpted and pulsing with strength and life as she recovered her breath. He went to drew away from her when he caught sight of her eyes and he found his attention drawn to them. The color of the distant mountains in the morning mist, glittering like stars from her dark eyelids. And her face, fine and elegant, light gold as the sky at sunset. The color of Adezevah and Ademache’s rejoice as they traded roles in the world. A sacred, celestial color. He felt himself as breathless as she when she lifted her eyes to meet his, a sudden, dizzying jump in his heart as he saw into the endless depths of her soul. Where have you been? was the question that came into his mind. She was born a pup, just as every wolf, those grey eyes wide and innocent. Experience had given them the soft, clear depth. Ademache himself had gifted her with the silver glow of his moon. He wanted to know why; what had shaped her into the wolf she was today. He wanted to know about the life she had once had, her life in the South. He wanted to know about her old pack, the way she was raised, what battles had plagued her and costed her her closest companion. He wanted to know everything about her life, and everything that she was.

Saurugol, her soft voice murmured, bringing him back to reality. What am I doing? He drew back as she turned away, releasing her and lifting his head, just short of mortified. He felt very hot under his fur, his mind a confused muddle, and he had no idea what to say next. ”Yes… erm, very good. You have done well. That is enough for today.” The Alpha got to his paws for a hasty retreat. He needed to escape her, for he could feel himself slipping, and he could not allow it.

There was a rush of cool air where his body had touched hers, and too quickly he was gone. He left her still lying down in the field, wondering what had just transpired between them. A deep longing spread through her as she tried to decipher her conflicting emotions. She felt a flicker set ablaze inside her chest. It startled her in its familiarity. It drew her to a time long ago in a place worlds away, but she was not certain what she was expected to find there.

She watched Saurugol’s golden form walk away. He had the gait of a proud warrior but the wolf she knew had been affected by more than he was willing reveal to his pack. His story was one of loss and hardship, all the strain she wished she could lift from him, but no one could. And now there existed between them something she could not understand, something that she felt grow stronger each day. She reveled in the feeling, but it scared her more than anything, for they had both known loss and the excruciating pain that came with caring too much.

Tilika rose to her paws, suddenly feeling desperate to preserve the relationship they once had. It was one without drawn-out silences where little was said and too much was felt. She missed her friend and wondered how they could get back to that place of comfort and ease. Whatever this was, she refused to allow it to jeopardize that. They needed to reaffirm their relationship as a friendship- and nothing more.

Determined to make things right, Tilika found herself sprinting after her alpha, moving with a huntress grace towards her intended prey. She lowered her belly to the ground and stalked silently towards Saurugol, using his own techniques against him. When she was near enough that he had begun to scent her approach, Tilika leapt forward and caught his hind leg in her jaw, tugging until he lost his balance. As she finally succeeded in grounding the Alpha she offered him a smug grin. “A taste of your own medicine,” She insisted, seeing as how he’d managed to catch her off-guard earlier. She laughed at his surprise…until he regained his footing and rose to his full height. She knew he would have his revenge. Without another moment’s pause, Tilika pivoted on her hind legs and took off through the field.

The last thing Sauru expected was to feel strong teeth grab his back leg, and before he knew it the Alpha was sprawled ungracefully on the ground with a heavy Oof!. His amber eyes were wide with shock so uncharacteristic to him as he turned to look at Tilika. The light gold she-wolf stood over him, a mischievous glint in her eyes and a lofty smile on her face. She was even laughing!

The Alpha was on his paws a moment later, drawing up to face the she-wolf with a fierce look in his eyes. His look was enough to silence her and she was off, fleeing his grasp with the grace of a doe. But Saurugol could not truly be angry, her smart rebuke charmed him, as did her boldness. For it was not just a tease; she fixed them. In that moment of intensity and confusion where neither of them knew quite what had happened, she had already righted it with a neat jerk of her muzzle and a flowing sweep of that silky indigo-tipped tail as she bounded off. It was becoming clear to the golden male that Tilika, as she always had in all those moments she had assisted him before, knew exactly what to do. In every situation. Was there any situation her quick mind and insight could not handle? He could not stop the affection for her as it intensified in his chest. And with a playfully menacing bare of his teeth he took off after her. They were both skilled Hunt Masters, so of course catching the she-wolf was not an easy task. But Saurugol would not have it any other way, streaking across the open plain, hot on her heels, echoing her elusive moves as she made them, always a moment away from the ground her paws touched.

He finally managed to catch her as she danced to the side, and Saurugol leaped diagonally toward her, his paws meeting her side and the two were sent rolling into the snowy grasses. As they tumbled through the snow Saurugol tried to get her pinned beneath him, fully immersed in the game as he had not been since he was a pup, even laughing.

Tilika broke into fits of laughter as Saurugol bounded after her. She darted around him in circles and he gave chase, an entertained expression playing on his features. His laughter was intoxicating, and his smile was so rare that she realized she could not avert her gaze; she wanted to memorize what his happiness looked like. When she thought of Paradise, the eternal kingdom with no loss and no suffering, she imagined it would look something like this moment.

Eventually Saurugol caught her side and they both went tumbling into the snow, kicking up clouds of fresh powder in their wake. Each battled for control but in the end it was Saurugol who bested Tilika, coming out on top with an amused, holier-than-thou grin on his face. Once again he planted his large paws into her chest, reclaiming his undefeated title.

“Alright!” She protested between laughs,“You win!”

Saurugol was panting for breath by the time he landed on top of his packmate, his amber eyes glowing with a playful joy that he thought had died long ago. He stared down at her as she laughed beneath him, admitting her defeat. She had done this to him. She had freed him from the cold shackles he had placed upon himself, not allowing for silly things such as games or fun or laughter. Locking out any potential for true and pure childish enjoyment. No, there was too much work to do. The dangers of Havir’s territory too real. His duty as Alpha much too strict to allow for such behavior. But Tilika had taught him otherwise. Such a priceless gift to know that with her he could be not the wolf that his father and himself had forced him to be, but the wolf he would have been.... if things had been different. If Adeavettu’s golden albatross had never visited Adesandre in his dreams that fateful night when Saurugol was a mere child.

”I have.” He asserted, his half lidded amber eyes staring down at her loftily. ”And you’d best not forget who is Alpha. The Alpha always wins.” His voice was a menacing rumble, but playfully so. Rarely did Saurugol assert his authority with words, he prefered to let his actions speak for themselves. But in this case, it felt appropriate for him to tease her with it, but of course there was no weight to his words. The remark made him wonder what his cub self would think of how he turned out. He had quickly learned as a cub that being an Alpha was no fun at all. He had to lose his closest childhood friend to learn that lesson. But if this was the scene shown, playing in the snow with a close friend, teasing her with his Alpha status, he knew that he would have been proud.

Saurugol released her after he spoke, finally coming to his senses once again. He cleared his throat. Enough of this nonsense, there was too much work to be done to be rolling around in the snow. But still, he found himself feeling better than he had for, well, as long as he can remember. Despite the troubles that plagued his pack. He glanced at Tilika as she recovered, watching as she stood with crystals frosting her silky fur and glittering in the sun that streamed through the evergreens, making her look like a glittering angel from Paradise. Perhaps she was… ”It is best we get back to the main den site.” He said to her. He wanted to thank her, for she had done so much for him today, even if it was he who was supposed to be the one assisting her. He hoped that she sense the deep gratitude in his heart, and he hoped that she could understand how much she means to him, and protect herself. He found himself yearning for more moments such as this, now that he had a taste of what it felt like to play, be silly, and just enjoy himself. The Gods had brought Tilika to him to teach him happiness, he was sure of that now. She was a gift, a gift that he would fight fiercely to protect and a gift that, regardless of what the future may hold, he would never let go.

Skin by SimplySilent
Synopsis: In light of recent events, a concerned Saurugol takes Tilika out to do some self defense training, but the pair soon realizes there's an awkwardness to their friendship that they cannot ignore. 

A single moment by akllozz
Artwork by akllozz
Saurugol (c) :iconwildfire-tama:
Tilika (c) :icontazihound:
© 2015 - 2024 Tazihound
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switt's avatar
You both are such talented writers <3

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